Darknet Diaries


EP 117: Daniel the Paladin

Daniel Kelley was equal parts mischievousness and clever when it came to computers. Until the day his mischief overtook his cleverness.

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EP 116: Mad Dog

Jim Lawler, aka 'Mad Dog', was a CIA case officer for 25 years. In this episode we hear some of the stories he has and things he did while working in the CIA.

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EP 114: HD

HD Moore invented a hacking tool called Metasploit. He crammed it with tons of exploits and payloads that can be used to hack into computers. What could possibly go wrong?

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EP 113: Adam

Adam got a job doing IT work at a learning academy. He liked it and was happy there and feeling part of the team. But a strange series of events took him in another direction, that definitely didn't make him happy.

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EP 112: Dirty Coms

This episode we talk with a guy named Drew who gives us a rare peek into what some of the young hackers are up to today. From listening to Drew, we can see that times are changing for the motive behind hacking. In the '90s and '00s it was done for...

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EP 111: ZeuS

ZeuS is a banking trojan. Designed to steal money from online bank user's accounts. This trojan became so big, that it resulted in one of the biggest FBI operations ever.

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EP 110: Spam Botnets

This episode tells the stories of some of the worlds biggest spamming botnets. We'll talk about the botnets Rustock, Waledac, and Cutwail. We'll discover who was behind them, what their objectives were and what their fate was.

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EP 109: TeaMp0isoN

TeaMp0isoN was a hacking group that was founded by TriCk and MLT. They were responsible for some high profile hacks. But in this story it’s not the rise that’s most interesting. It’s the fall.

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EP 108: Marq

This is the story of Marq. Which involves passwords, the dark web, and police.

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EP 107: Alethe

Alethe is a social engineer. Professionally she tries to trick people to give her passwords and access that she shouldn't have. But her journey to this point is interesting and in this episode she tells us how she became a social engineer.

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EP 106: @Tennessee

How much online abuse are you willing to take before you decide to let your abuser have what they want? Unfortunately, this is a decision that many people have to ask themselves.

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EP 105: Secret Cells

Joseph Cox, Senior Staff Writer at Motherboard, joins us to talk about the world of encrypted phones.

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EP 104: Arya

Arya Ebrahami has had quite a personal relationship with darknet marketplaces. In this episode you’ll hear about his adventures on tor.

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EP 103: Cloud Hopper

Fabio Viggiani is an incident responder. In this episode he talks about the story when one of his clients were breached.

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EP 102: Money Maker

Frank Bourassa had an idea. He was going to make money. Literally. Listen to the story of a master counterfeiter.

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EP 101: Lotería

In 2014 the Puerto Rico Lottery was mysteriously losing money. Listen to this never before told story about what happened and who did it.

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EP 100: NSO

The NSO Group creates a spyware called Pegasus which gives someone access to the data on a mobile phone. They sell this spyware to government agencies around the world. How is it used and what kind of company is the NSO Group?

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EP 99: The Spy

Igor works as a private investigator in NYC. He's often sitting in cars keeping a distant eye on someone with binoculars. Or following someone through the busy streets of New York. In this episode we hear about a time when Igor was on a case but s...

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EP 98: Zero Day Brokers

Zero day brokers are people who make or sell malware that's sold to people who will use that malware to exploit people. It's a strange and mysterious world that not many people know a lot about. Nicole Perlroth, who is a cybersecurity reporter for...

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EP 97: The Pizza Problem

What if someone wanted to own your Instagram account? Not just control it, but make it totally theirs. This episode tells the story of how someone tried to steal an Instagram account from someone.

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EP 96: The Police Station Incident

Nicole Beckwith wears a lot of hats. She's a programmer, incident responder, but also a cop and a task force officer with the Secret Service. In this episode she tells a story which involves all of these roles.

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EP 95: Jon & Brian's Big Adventure

Jon and Brian are penetration testers. They're paid to break into buildings and hack into networks to test the security of those buildings. In this episode they bring us a story of when everything goes wrong.

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EP 94: Mariposa Botnet

Chris Davis has been stopping IT security threats for decades. In this episode he tells a few tales of some threats that he helped stop.

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EP 93: Kik

Kik is a wildly popular chat app. Their website says that 1 in 3 American teenagers use Kik. But something dark is brewing on Kik.

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EP 92: The Pirate Bay

The Pirate Bay is a website, a search engine, which has an index of torrent files. A lot of copyrighted material is listed on the site, but the site doesn't store any of the copyrighted material. It just points the user to where you can download i...

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EP 91: webjedi

What happens when an unauthorized intruder gets into the network of a major bank? Amélie Koran, aka webjedi, was there for one of these intrusions and tells us the story of what happened.

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EP 90: Jenny

Meet Jenny Radcliffe, the People Hacker. She's a social engineer and physical penetration tester. Which means she gets paid to break into buildings and test their security. In this episode she tells us a few stories of some penetration testing job...

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EP 89: Cybereason: Molerats in the Cloud

The threat research team at Cybereason uncovered an interesting piece of malware. Studied it and tracked it. Which lead them to believe they were dealing with a threat actor known as Molerats.

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EP 88: Victor

Victor looks for vulnerabilities on the web and reports them responsibly. This is the story about discloser number 5780.

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