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Man on gondola boat.

The Venetian casino in Las Vegas Nevada was the largest hotel in the world until 2015. The parent company is Las Vegas Sands (LVS) which owns 10 properties around the world. And the CEO and founder of LVS is Sheldon Adelson. One day the CEO said something which sparked quite a firestorm.


Thanks to the reviewers who previewed this episode before it went live and provided valuable feedback. They include @greyhathackr, Nick, Brett, @r1otctrl, @Pyrostic and a bunch more who wish to remain unidentified.


This episode was sponsored by Nucleus. Visit nucleussec.com to start your free trial.

This episode was sponsored by CMD. Securing Linux systems is hard, let CMD help you with that. Visit https://cmd.com/dark to get a free demo.


Artwork this episode by TrashKiD.

Theme music created by Breakmaster Cylinder. Theme song available for listen and download at bandcamp. Or listen to it on Spotify.

Additional music by Epidemic Sound.


Recording equipment used this episode was the Shure SM7B, a cloudlifter, Audient ID4, Sony MDR7506 headphones, and Hindenburg audio editor.



JACK: Imagine being at work in the office and all of a sudden the server you’re working on goes down, the phones stop working, the screens go blank, and as you investigate you realize the company has been hacked. [MUSIC] The virus is so bad and it’s spreading so fast that you frantically start unplugging Ethernet cables in an attempt to stop the attack. You’re forced to sever your connection to the internet altogether. Yeah, that did happen and I want to tell you about it.

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